Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

the story boards

p.s. they go from the bottom up... my bad.

the treatment:

So , here's the idea. I basically am taking an old PSA about bike safety and adding my own little cut and paste job of the audio as well as some rotoscoping, a lil' bit a pixelation and lots o' talkin'. The story of sorts is as follows:
you are introduced to your narrator (charles darwin) who has a gorgeous pair of lips that sync with the dialogue. He informs the audience of the tale about to unravel involving monkey children on bicycles (this really was the basis of the orignal 1960's PSA). While the children make their way to the park we are introduced to Nelly who is a girl with a terrible fit of road rage. In her angered state she decides to plow over two women walking home from the market. We then move to a young man by the name of Puelbert who doesn't take care of his bike and gets crushed by a steam roller. We are then left with Orville, the only human of the bunch, eating lunch alone in the park b/c all his friends are dead!!! the end.

the real comedy of this story is how little I deviated from the original.

Monday, October 22, 2007

minimalist genius

HEY KIDS! this is my trailer for the cucalorus film festival.....

.... i know right.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The raw "Scans"

this here is my raw "scan". These by the way are taken with a digital camera. some may call it cheating. i agree.

this is the desaturated versions of the first images. ain't they pretty.

They gonna put me in the movies...

Feast your eyes on this spinning pile of genius! Watch as this gorgeous man spins to the psychedelic sounds of a band not mentioned for fear of copyright infringement. groovy.

I LUV looking at myself

Here is the very first project in our fantastical 2D animation class. The subject is one of my favorites... myself.

Here is the desaturated gif image of myself. These were taken with a digital camera since for undisclosed reasons i was not able to make it to class the first day.

This work is entitled "Tinted GIF (a variation on a theme)". Notice how the colors change as i screw with the color balance in photoshop.... fascinating.

Finaly we have the stylized gif animation. With its pop-art flair it's as if andrew warhola himself rose from his grave and created this masterpiece, minus the help of 20 or so drag queens and druggies. that's just not my style.